De Carli, B and Frediani, A A (2021). Situated perspectives on the city: A reflection on scaling participation through design. Environment and Urbanization, 33(2).

Beatrice De Carli, Change by Design: Imagining Equitable Cities, AAD Practice Research Portfolios (London: London Metropolitan University, 2020)

Alexandre Apsan Frediani, Re-imagining Participatory Design: Reflecting on the ASF-UK Change by Design Methodology, Design Issues, 32:3 (2016), pp.98–111.

Alexandre Apsan Frediani, Space and Capabilities: Approaching Informal Settlement Upgrading through a Capability Perspective, in The City in Urban Poverty, ed. by Charlotte Lemanski and Colin Marx (Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, EADI Global Development, 2015), pp. 64–84.

Beatrice De Carli and Melissa Kinnear, Learning Amidst Urban Practices: Reflections on Architecture Sans Frontières. Charrette, 2:1 (2015), pp. 46–56.

Rory Stott, How Architecture Sans Frontières Improves the Built Environment With Everything But Buildings, Archdaily (2015).

Architecture Sans Frontières UK is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1123786.
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